What we are doing to help stop the
spread of Coronavirus..
Since returning to cleaning people’s home, as well as offices around Bristol, we have attempted to adapt and bring forward new measures to try and ensure the safety of our team and our customers.
These measures include:
If customers report symptoms of coronavirus or are self-isolating (as they have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus) then cleaning will be rescheduled until a later date.
Likewise if a cleaner reports symptoms of coronavirus (or they live with someone showing symptoms) they will be asked to stay home until test results show they are negative or in the case of a positive test they will be asked to stay home for the appropriate time (7 days if they themselves test positive, 14 days if someone in their household tests positive).
Where possible the cleaner will use the designated key to enter the property to avoid face-to-face contact with customers.
Customers are asked to stay in one room while cleaning is taking place.
Cleaners are asked to wear face masks, latex gloves and shoe covers when entering the property. If it has been established the cleaner is alone and no contact with other will be taking place, they may then remove the face mask. However gloves and shoe covers will be worn throughout the entire clean to avoid skin contact with surfaces.
Once the cleaning has been completed the cleaner will then disinfect all cleaning products and equipment.
All cloths will be sealed in a bag and washed using a washing machine on a hot wash.
Latex gloves and shoe covers will be disposed of safely.
We hope these measures will give our customers (and future customers) the confidence to continue with cleaning and we welcome suggestions of additional measures that could be taken to further protect our Pristine Clean Bubble.
We hope these measures will give our customers (and future customers) the confidence to continue with cleaning and we welcome suggestions of additional measures that could be taken to further protect our Pristine Clean Bubble.
If you’d like to book a clean please get in touch..